Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Last Friday, we got hit with a CRAZY snow storm! It was one of those snow storms that reminded me of the snow during my childhood. So pretty! Anyway, of course I was even more excited for the fact that school was called off and I was able to have a snow day. The plan was already in the works the night before (just in case). Kristin and I decided to plow through the almost foot of snow and head the the cinema to see Twilight (which I can't stop thinking about BTW!!!)
It normally takes me about 20-25 minutes to get to Waterford but this time it took me over an hour- and that was with no one else on the roads (I guess they weren't as adventurous, hehe.)
I picked up Kristin and then headed to the Cinema, we did get there and saftely (with cappucino in hand and everything.)
he movie was awesome with only two other people in the theater. After wards we did run into fellow Twilight fans who were coming in for the next showing (they even had their Twilight books with them!!!)
We left the theater to expereience the REST of the snowfall and I decided to play a little bit. Who says you can't have fun in the snow as a grown-up??
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We headed out to the orchard around 6:30, it had been snowing huge flakes all day long so the orchard was covered in a fresh wihte blanket of snow. It crunched under our feet as we walked around looking at some of the lights on the outside of the mill. (we also stopped to take a few pictures!)
We headed into the heated tent to get our tickets and were greeted by Thunder, the reindeer. How cute is he?
Once inside we had the opportunity to take a few "formal" pictures by a gorgeous winter scene they had set up.
We decided to head into the mill BEFORE heading out on the tractors to enjoy the lights. Once there, we ordered hot chocolate and a donut (afterall it IS still a cider mill!) Then, we stopped and took some pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus (they completely fit the part!) Santa even took a family portrait for us.
We stepped back out into the crisp cold air and hopped on the tractor. We curled up and snuggled to enjoy the third largest light show in the country.
All of the light displays were gorgeous and got us all in the Christmas spirit quickly, especially the boys!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
On Thursday night we were lucky enough to get tickets to the Red Wings vs. Vancouver game (thanks Mom and Dad!!)
We had an absolute BLAST! The seats were amazing- so close to the players you could actually hear them yelling!) At one point the puck almost went over the glass and scared me half to death (I thought I might get hit!)
This was my first NHL hockey game and let me tell you, it won't be my last! I am seriously considering looking into season tickets! The sheer excitement really made the experience amazing. I didn't want the game to end (which was an amazing game by the way!) The red wings did end up winning 6-5! GO WINGS!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
I can't believe it is already December! Since November FLEW past and I didn't really blog much during the past month, I wanted to catch all my blogging buddies up on the events of November. Here is my LONG November recap:
I had a wonderful ladies night out with my friend, Kristin. We went and saw the movie, The Secret Life of Bees (which was awesome!) and then went back to her house for a relaxing night. We wound down from our long week with a nice bottle of bubbly!
We had a blast!
We also attended a Stag and Doe for Reon's cousin Claudette and her fiance Jason.... another FABULOUS night! They had a huge turn out and we had so much fun dancing, talking and partying! (sidenote: Don't mind the duplicate outfit, I did wash it! I must have really been attached to this outfit in November! LOL!)
Reon and I also decided that from now on we are living by this motto: WHOOOOO!!!! (please see picture for full descriptive image of our new motto......) We are being carefree about life from now on (at least, as much as we can be. LOL!)I did get some scrapbooking done this month! YES! I have been trying to get caught up with some of my "extra DT materials" for YMBD. I feel pretty good with what I got accomplished. Check it out:
Over at YMBD, we also completed out DT search and found us 4 new and EXTREMELY talented ladies to join the team! We are sadly saying goodbye to Donna (at least just on the DT) she will still remain an active member though, PHEW!
Due to this change of pace, I was also promoted to Design Team Leader and have taken on some really neat responsiblities (i.e. Member of the Month and Weekly Gallery Find.) It's great to be part of such a wonderful community! If you haven't headed over there- you really should! It's a heck of a good time!
Another exciting moment we had in November (besides us hosting Thanksgiving for the second year in a row- we love to entertain) was....
ELI'S FIRST BIRTHDAY! I can believe that he is already one! Time flies so fast.
The best part is that we were able to spend his B-day with him. We had a wonderful "small" party for him. My mom made this gorgeous smash cake, hat and cupcake tree!
He really enjoyed his cake and had fun with his presents too!
I hope all of your November's was as exciting and productive as ours was!