Sunday, March 18, 2007


Woohoo! I just found out that my mom and I are going to travel to Hawaii to pick up my adorable niece (photoed below). I am so excited that I finally am able to get to Hawaii. Even though it is f0r only a couple days, I know that we are going to have a blast. We are staying in Waikiki right off the beach for 3 days and 2 nights. We'll do a little sightseeing around the island, but mostly just relax and enjoy the palms swinging in the breeze.

Have to go to the gym for the next few weeks so that the premature summer clothes-wearing is a little more comfortable than they are right now! LOL

Imagining my feet in the white sandy beaches and the sun rays beaming down! Can't wait!

1 Comment:

  1. Kris said...
    Yo G! Long time no bloggy! I've been checkin' like crazy...hehe

    Lets get crackin'! ;)

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